ISCHE 36, London<br>23-26 July 2014<br>Education, War and Peace

The International Standing Conference for the History of Education ISCHE 36 will be held at the Institute of Education, University of London, 23-26 July 2014.  The deadline to propose individual papers or panels has passed. Registration will open in January 2014.

For additional information please see the conference website


Previous History of Education Summer School 2014
Next International Conference on the Status of Teacher(s) and Conditions for Teaching: Facts, issues and challenges. Université Lumière LYON 2 - 8, 9, 10 January 2015

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ISCHE 40 Pre-Conference Workshop CFP: Visual History of Education. Deadline: Feb. 28, 2018

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Travel funds to attend the annual conference

Starting this year ISCHE is devoting some of the membership revenue to an ISCHE Travel Fund for the annual conference. These funds are for advanced students and early career researchers

Call for papers

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