
ISCHE Institutional Members

Brazilian Journal of History of Education – Call for Submissions

Call for Submissions for the Dossier “Photography as a Research Source for the History of Education” Photography is an important tool for preserving memory and writing history. It stands against

Call for papers

I Conference for Young Historians of Education – 18 November 2024 in Lisbon

The Portuguese Association for the History of Education (HISTEDUP) is organizing the I Conference for Young Historians of Education, to be held on 18 November 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. The


Paedagogica Historica Special Issue – ISCHE 45 “(De)Coloniality and Diversity in the Histories of Education”

The ISCHE 45 conference convenors invite conference presenters to submit their papers to be considered for publication in a special issue of Paedagogica Historica that will address the conference theme.

international conference

Call for Papers – 9th Nordic Educational History Conference, 14-16 May 2025

Location: Stockholm University, Sweden Date: 14-16 May 2025 Conference theme: Power and resistance Wherever there is education, there is power and resistance. The 9th Nordic Educational History Conference invites papers

Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations for joining the ISCHE Executive Committee (Deadline Friday, 19 July 2024)

ISCHE announces that the Call for Nominations for joining the Executive Committee is open until Friday, 19 July 2024. There are two positions available this year. Individuals may be nominated

General Announcement

CfP – Colloque international – La littérature à l’école au prisme des approches historiques

La HEP Vaud, en collaboration avec l’UNIGE, lance un appel à contribution pour le colloque “La littérature à l’école au prisme des approches historiques” qui aura lieu en février prochain.

Call for papers

CfP – Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East-Central Europe

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the upcoming conference “Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East-Central Europe.” The conference aims to explore feminist movements in

international conference

CfP – Education during the interwar period in Siebenbürgen and East Central Europe

In recent decades, both the topic of migration and a transnational perspective have become increasingly important in history of education research. This was demonstrated, for example, at the International Standing

General Announcement

Linda Eisenmann Prize – Call for Nominations

The History of Education Society seeks nominations for the Linda Eisenmann Prize. The $1000 prize is awarded biennially to recognize the most outstanding scholarly work (book, article, electronic contribution, etc.)

General Announcement

Italian-Greek webinar series on History of Education

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BETWEEN MIDDLE AGES AND MODERN AGE ISCHE Institutional Members: The Greek Society of Education Historians (GSEH), Società Italiana per lo studio del Patrimonio Storico-Educativo (SIPSE) and Centro Italiano