2018 First Book Award Announcement
June 11, 2018 2880 Views

2018 First Book Award Announcement



ISCHE is proud to announce that the winner of the 2018 First Book Award is Jon Shelton for his monograph, Teacher Strike. Public Education and the Making of a New American Political Order (University of Illinois Press, 2017).


Special thanks to the following colleagues who accepted to serve on the 2017-2018 award committee:

Jame Albisetti, University of Kentucky, USA
Ines Dussel, DIE-Cinvestav, Mexico
Solenn Huitric, Le Laboratoire de l’Education – UMS Lyon, France
Elsie Rockwell, DIE-Cinvestav, Mexico
and particularly to Frank Simon (Ghent University, Belgium) who chaired this committee.

Submission for the 2019 ISCHE First Book Award are now being accepted. See https://www.ische.org/early-career-researchers/ische-first-book-award/ for details of the submission process.


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